The 71st East Bombay Zoroastrian Bharat Guide Group is registered with The East Bombay District Association of The Maharashtra State Association under The Bharat Scouts and Guides National Association, which is a part of The World Scouting and Guiding Movement.
Regular Meetings for general Guiding progress and activities are held on Saturday 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at The Pirojsha Scout and Guide Pavilion, M.G.Road, Mumbai 400 001. Extra meetings for Bulbuls or Guides Sections may be conducted as required for Group or District activities and competitions.
There shall be hikes, camps and educational visits held at times designated by Group Leader, Guide Captain or Flock Leader.
In the year 1991-92, with the persistent encouragement of Dr. Mehroo Bengalee, an Ex-Ranger Leader and the Ex-Vice Chancellor of Mumbai University and after due deliberations amongst the members of The Young Zoroastrian Society, mainly our Late Ex-Group Leader Scouter Kersi Jilla, Leader Trainer Late Miss Alloo Kanga and Mrs. Shirin Wadia, our Guide Group saw the light in 1993.
In March 1993, Mrs. Shirin Wadia, Ex-District Commissioner for Guides with the Late Guider Alloo Kanga introduced Mrs. Mackie Majra, Himalayan Wood Badge Holder and Mrs. Majra agreed to be the Group Leader Guides. A month later Mrs. Majra met 6 to 7 girls who agreed to be Guiders and Flock Leaders. A Guide Group with 13 Members including Group Leader Mackie Majra, Guide Captain Jasmine Palia, Flock Leader Parivaz Irani, their Assistants, Guides and Bulbuls was established on 1st August 1993. Thus the 71st East Bombay Bharat Guide Group was born. Mrs. Jasmine Wadia joined the Group in December 1995 and subsequently became the Flock Leader and Mrs, Binaifer Kandawalla joined the Group in February 1999 and subsequently became the Guide Captain.
Under able Leaderships, the Guide Group has expanded by leaps and bounds. It has taken children to the highest levels of Guiding Progress. We have to our Merit successfully turned out 24 Rashtrapati Guides with Gold Cord, 5 Rajya Puraskar Guides ____ Golden Arrow Bulbuls and _____ Heerak Pankh Bulbuls. It has also shown excellence in various competitions at District Level – by winning Trophies in all fields including Guiding, Sports, Elocution, Cooking, Camporee, Campfire, etc.
With the Blessings of Almighty God, the dedication of our Guiders, Flock Leaders and Rangers and the encouragement and co-operation of Parents and Well Wishers, our Bulbuls and Guides have developed into capable, confident, trustworthy, well-rounded and better Prepared Individuals and achieved success in their respective fields and rendered useful service in our World.
For girls aged 5-10 years, Bulbuls is exciting, creative, friendly and a lot of fun.
Bulbuls advance as per the Bulbul Programme, which includes gaining various badges as they learn through practical exposure and progress. Their Goal is the Heerakh Pankh Award and the Golden Arrow Award.

For girls aged 10-17 years, Guides is innovative, inspiring, knowledgeable, thrilling and full of adventure.
Guides advance as per the Guide programme, which includes earning various Badges as you progress in terms of knowledge, skill and values eg. cooking, camping, outdoors, athletics, art & craft, entertainment, about science, world conservation, community development projects and special activities to strive towards a single Goal - The Rashtrapati Guide Award and the Gold Cord, which will really help at school and later in life. Besides the mental satisfaction you would derive while progressing, you are assured of a lot of fun, thrill and challenges.
In Guides, you'll get out there and do something really different. You'll be independent, responsible,self-confident, learn and share new skills and form a new outlook on teamwork and leadership.
You'll explore new places - Guides go on camps, hikes and educational trips and enjoy exciting events.
Girls at Guides will be your lifelong friends. They'll be the girls who want to go on adventures with you, who encourage you to try new things and who celebrate when you've pushed yourself to achieve something special. As you progress through Guides you'll have a chance to lead small groups and support younger girls to have fun and make friends.
Guides are fostered and encouraged to rise for every occasion in life by Guide Captain and Assistant Guide Captains.
As Guides rightly say “Once a Guide, always a Guide”
A Good and Wise Decision to join Guiding.
So, if you are not yet in…. Get Ready… A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU.

For young women aged 18 to 25, The Ranger Section is all about taking action and pushing your boundaries. This is your chance to advance as a Guider and transfer your skills to the next generation. This comprises of a basic & advanced training programme and later, you may want to qualify for the Himalayan Wood Badge.
Your service to the group is valued and your contributions here will make a difference to many upcoming Guides and Bulbuls.